Begumpet S.O. – 500016
Ronald Ross Building
Date of Introduction : 20-08-2021
Postmark : 2-2-22
Sir Ronald Ross Building – Heritage Building of World Medicine
Sir Ronald Ross (13 May 1857 – 16 September 1932). Major Ronald Ross, an Indian born British doctor was posted in Secunderabad as Duty Medical Officer for the Military. On August 20, 1897, he made the ground-breaking medical discovery of the malarial parasite inside the body of a mosquito and laid the foundation for the method of combating the disease. He received the Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine in 1902 CE for his ground-breaking work on the transmission of malaria. The building in Begumpet, has been named after him as Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Parasitology. It has been designated as a heritage building.